Each project is different. Some would require the movement, storage and shipping of the product (ore, concentrate, etc.) using one or a combination of modes of transportation, from the typical road+rail to road+barges, from bulk to the use of high capacity containers.
Complexities arise from the geographical location of the origin-destination pair, climatic conditions, national and local legislation, shipping facilities, and while each project would be quoted individually based on the customer's requests, below is a guide of our fees.
Scoping level logistics study - starting at AU$ 10,000
PFS level logistics study- starting at AU$ 20,000
DFS level logistics study - starting at AU$ 25,000
Logistics study peer review - starting at AU$ 10,000
Logistics optimisation study - starting at AU$ 20,000,
All fees are in Australian Dollars unless specified differently and don't include any travel, accommodation or any other related expenses.